What started out as a dream actually is now becoming a reality. ProTrans, Professional Transcription, for the time being is my baby with Don that we want to nurture and cherish. God gave us this wonderful opportunity and we would not want to waste it.
What is our dream?
We want to help those who have the enthusiasm to help themselves first, mostly people who like us once were underpaid and did not get what they deserve. It does not make us superheroes of some sort, just want to be able to share our love for our work and that zest for learning other things. Things that matter. Love for work, zest for living and hoping to make a difference.
It took me and Don to meet a few people, rotten ones to be able to get to where we are, and we may not have reached the top of the ladder yet, but we have taken that first step and we have gained our credibility that could match the pioneers of the industry. And what did it take us, dedication, hard work and honesty. Determined to make a living out of what we were blessed with, and this is it. Our dreams are taking shape. What started out as a dream is now a reality.
As additions to our family, we would like to welcome Matt, Jackie, Kiko, Suzette, Tanya and Jen.
To Terry, thanks for being a good student and being the friend who has always been there.
To Cheryl, thank you for your patience and loyalty. May Anna, thanks for believing in us.
Judith, Garlyn, Malou, Dahlia, Mavic, Charisse--welcome to the ProTrans family.
To Ashish, thank you for everything. Keep it coming.
To our parents, our children and our friends, and those who continue to believe in us, those who pray with us and to those who celebrate in our success, thank you.
And to God for always being there as our light. May we be able to help more people who want to be helped.