Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving - Filipino style.

In the last week, her values were questioned, her intentions mocked, her dignity lambasted publicly. She did not retaliate, instead she remained still.

Humbled by this experience, she prays and blesses those who consider her as a nemesis. Amidst all the stones cast her way, she prays for their peace as she has found hers. She feels for those who consider her as an adversary. She knows that they deserve something good in their lives too. Maybe these people were bitter because life had been bitter to them. It was their choice to feel that way, but maybe someday, something would remind them that life only treats them harshly because they treat life unfairly too.

The law of karma - what comes around, goes around. All faiths believe that what you give, you shall receive. You do unto others what others want them to do unto you. What you sow, you shall reap.

She was insulted. They feasted around her choice to be quiet despite their mocking and insinuations that she had forgotten where she had come from. But she realized that her decision to stay mum and not retaliate was the best decision she had made. Reality is, there will be people who will never understand her. There will be those who will throw accusations at her. Reality is, there will always be people who share different ideas with her. Reality is, everyone goes through the same challenge everyday of their lives. Reality is, even her detractors feel the same way at certain moments of their lives. Reality is, she was not put on this earth to live up to other's expectations, she only had to live up to her own and live life according to how God wanted her to live it.

This all came around when all of the Western world celebrates their Thanksgiving.

Filipinos don't necessarily celebrate it as elaborately as the other part of the world does, but one thing is for sure, she knows that today too is a moment of thanksgiving. And indeed a time to be grateful. She believes that that is what it truly means, to be thankful, to live a life with an attitude of gratitude. Today was a day to look back at the bounty, the blessings and the wonderful life God has given each one of us to live. No matter where you are, no matter what race, no matter what color, today is truly a time to celebrate God's goodness and compassion.

She realizes that though her reality allows her to interact with people in that part of the world, this does not make her any less of the person she was born. Regardless of continents, the same color of blood runs through her veins with those of the people she chooses to work with be it in some other part of Asia or in the United States. It does not make her less of a person, in fact it makes her more human. She realizes now that this was a God-given opportunity to choose to be humane as every creation of God needs to get along, to work together for a better world for everyone.

Thanksgiving day for her, Filipino style meant living a life with an attitude of gratitude, thanksgiving - giving thanks, and unlike the Western world that celebrates it for a day, she celebrates it everyday. Her every win and triumph is a testimony of God's hand working in her life, her every failure is a lesson she must learn. Thankful for all of what has been and what will be, she gives thanks with a prayer.

"Dear God,

We all make mistakes. Thank you for your overflowing love and forgiveness. As I face another chapter of my life, please guide me. I can only live my life according to how you want me to. Make use of my gifts, my talents and my skills so I may become who you have intended me to become. Amen."

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